Frequently asked questions

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for in the list of questions below, please send us an email at

1. What is ASB GetWise?

ASB GetWise is an innovative New Zealand financial literacy programme, brought to you by ASB. It aims to teach financial literacy in a fun and interactive way, increasing student engagement and improving learning outcomes. In 2020, ASB GetWise launched an exciting digital experience to compliment the face-to-face workshops and to allow access to the programme to more communities across New Zealand.

2. Does the programme sell bank products to my child?

Absolutely not. The ASB GetWise programme does not promote any bank products or services.

3. How much does the programme cost?

The ASB GetWise programme is delivered completely free of charge, including the digital experiences which can be accessed without taking part in the face-to-face programme.

4. Are the facilitators trained teachers?

Whilst some might come from a teaching background, others have history in performance or other youth programmes. What sets the GetWise team apart is their skills in engaging young people, creating enthusiasm for financial literacy topics and passing on key knowledge and skills. All facilitators undergo extensive background and safety checks and meet the requirements under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

5. Do teachers need to be present during the workshops?

Yes, teachers need to be present throughout the workshop. Some even say they’ve learned some useful skills themselves!

6. Do teachers need to prepare for the workshop(s)?

There is no need to prepare the classroom for a GetWise visit. However, you may want to look at our handy GetWise resources to start considering follow-up activities. Our facilitators bring everything they need for the workshop – all they require is some space at the front of the classroom, and the teachers’ expert knowledge of their students.